The Bear and The River

Available Now

The Bear and The River is officially live! Discover and collect your digital treasures today.

Visit the dedicated Marketplace directly on this site to claim your artwork.

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The Art of Nature

Welcome to The Bear and The River, a limited series where each artwork is a unique digital treasure capturing the tranquility of nature and the beauty of wildlife. Embrace the serenity of the natural world through these captivating pieces, meticulously hand-drawn with passion and dedication. Join this artistic journey and become part of a meaningful cause.

Bridging Creative Worlds

Pushing artistic boundaries, this collection takes a new spin on algorithmic layering by skillfully combining elements to produce unique landscapes. Each creation offers a glimpse into a digital natural wonder.

Support Wildlife Protection

This NFT project is a reflection of love for nature and wildlife. More than just art, it’s a pledge to protect our planet’s animals and ecosystems. A portion of each NFT sale will go to the Wildlife Conservation Society, an organization devoted to preserving our planet and its creatures.

As species face displacement, endangerment, and extinction from deforestation, rising temperatures, and rapid industrialization, our responsibility to act has never been clearer. Consider these alarming facts:

Every day, an estimated 137 plant, animal, and insect species vanish due to rainforest deforestation.

Approximately 50% of the world’s coral reefs have succumbed to devastation due to climate change and pollution.

Boreal forests, significant carbon absorbers, face the risk of becoming carbon emission sources due to dynamics altered by forest fires, logging, mining, and energy activities.

The grizzly bear population in Canada has declined by approximately 30% over the last 20 years.

Despite the challenges, the Wildlife Conservation Society remains committed to conservation, habitat protection, species recovery, and education. 5% of each primary NFT sale1 will support their efforts. Together, we can turn our love for art into a powerful force for wildlife protection.

Charitable Gift

The Wildlife Conservation Society accepts digital currency donations, showcasing how modern technology can drive real-world change. After the collection sale, the donation amount will be displayed on this website.

Your support is essential for creating a lasting impact. Together, we can achieve this milestone.

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