

How many items can I have per wallet?

There is no cap on the number of NFTs you can hold from The Bear and The River collection. Feel free to collect as many as you wish.

Do I need to pay gas fees to mint?

No, all NFT minting fees have been covered! The entire collection has been independently and securely minted to the blockchain with a verified smart contract—no lazy minting involved. The NFTs are ready for purchase directly on OpenSea and Rarible, with no additional minting fees.

Does this collection offer utilities?

Yes, as a token holder, you are granted access to exclusive content at

Is this project tied to any tokens or rewards?

No, this is purely an art project. While each NFT exists as a token on the blockchain, there are no utility tokens or reward systems—only the art itself and exclusive content for holders.

How many items are in the collection?

The Bear and The River includes 2624 unique NFTs. This collection features a diverse range of rarities, appealing to both collectors and art enthusiasts alike.

How many NFTs will be available in the first minting event?

1/4 of the collection is being minted initially, while the full collection will be released in phases. All mint phases will include all rarity tiers.

Will there be a whitelist or presale for this NFT collection?

With the smaller collection size, there will be no whitelist or presale to ensure equal and fair access for everyone at the time of the public launch.

‘Not for Sale’ Explained on Rarible

When browsing the collection on Rarible, items labeled ‘Not for Sale’ are actually available for purchase through bidding.

‘Not for Sale’: Item has no set price and is open for bids.

‘Highest Bid – No bids yet’: No bids yet, item open for offers.

Feel free to bid on these items to own your unique collectible.


This collection was inspired by the animals and landscapes of our natural world, aiming to raise awareness and contribute to wildlife protection. Each NFT in The Bear and The River is not just a piece of art but a pledge to preserve the beauty of nature.

5% of each primary sale will be donated to the Wildlife Conservation Society, supporting their vital work in conservation and habitat protection. Join us in transforming art into action and making a difference for future generations.

Forest Door

Connect your wallet to unlock and enjoy the exclusive content that awaits. Holding at least one NFT automatically grants access. Ensure your wallet is connected to the correct blockchain.

*Note: The Connect Wallet function on this site is solely for verifying ownership of NFT tokens and does not handle any monetary transactions.

Exclusive Wildlife Rarity

The Bear and The River offers unique traits and rarity, with equal attention to detail given to each artwork. The rarity of each piece is primarily determined by the animals depicted. Tier 4, with the fewest items available, has the highest level of rarity, making these collectibles the most exclusive in the series.

Enjoyment and value are at the heart of every piece, ensuring a rewarding experience for all collectors.

The Future

This project was a massively tenacious undertaking, presenting epic challenges, but the long road finally came to an end. The vision realized. Things always seem easier in retrospect, especially after time-consuming setbacks, detours, and pitfalls.

All elements provided new learning experiences, and the pursuit of the end goal was never lost. The future of this project, like its creation, will depend on a thousand different steps, but at its core is a passion to make art. And with that, the future is bright.

The Artist

Fin is the visionary artist behind The Bear and The River. With roots in traditional painting and sketches, he has seamlessly transitioned into the digital medium, embracing the Web3 universe. Blending classic techniques with modern ideas, he hand-drew this entire collection, creating an artistic expression all his own.